ABOUT rePLACE | x | |
The rituals of everyday life trace regular paths along streets and through buildings, organising the solids and voids of the built environment into narratives and patterns of association. Complicated by memory and social rituals, our experience of the city is of a dynamic place, a stage for public performances and private tragedies, of significant moments and the incredibly mundane. The habits, rituals, and actions of its population, the lived experiences within the city define it as something that is always current, always in constant, random movement. rePLACE BEIRUT begins by a public invitation to reconsider the city as an active process of documenting time and place inseparable |
from our everyday, lived experience. Your participation is requested as a singular contribution towards an alternative, collective understanding of how the city both literally and metaphorically vibrates, or where 'the beaten track' runs rich with/counter to personal knowledge, memory and cultural myth. Anyone located in Beirut can participate by mapping out a frequent route from their day-to-day life, recording the regular patterns and particular moments associated with this journey. Simply follow the instructions to upload your route as well as text, images, video and/or sound documenting observations and discoveries made along the way. You can also take part following a 'tour package' prepared |
by someone else. Simply download the PDF map of any of the routes already uploaded and retrace someone else's everyday ritual. Through the various stages of the project, rePLACE seeks to provide a way to understand the city, not only through its built spaces, but in the ways its residents are interacting with it in their daily lives——the routes we follow and the moments where these routes cross, overlap and run parallel or tangent to each other. This is foremost a reconsideration of history and image-making outside of our traditional understandings of these terms, where forms of heritage preservation can go beyond passive historicisation and generate living processes to actively celebrate the city-in-flux. |
-- rePLACE is a project initiated in 2007 by PROGRAM and Transit Lounge. rePLACE BERLIN and rePLACE BEIRUT are supported in 2011 by the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures, Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development, the Arab Image Foundation and PROGRAM. rePLACE BEIJING is supported by HomeShop. For more information please contact: mail[at]re-place[dot]info ![]() |
Between April 1-10, 2011, rePLACE organised a workshop at 98weeks research/project space to artistically research and investigate the routes submitted by rePLACE BEIRUT participants. The online collection of 'personal tours' served as the jumping off point to (re)experience the city via the stories and routines of the people living here, creating a series of visual and historical investigations into the modes and interactions between the the city's inhabitants and the city itself. Workshop participants traced the submitted routes, documenting and recording with video, photography and sound their observations as led through the words of the various guides, and selected points from certain routes were chosen as 'landmarks' for further research and elaboration. The workshop was accompanied by a public program including discussions and screenings. ![]() workshop participants // Sivine Ariss, Lara Atallah, Jad Baaklini, Maral Der Boghossian, Paul Gorra, George Haddad, Elaine W. Ho, Christophe Katrib, Céline Khairallah, Lynn Kodeih, Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga, Lina Sahab, Tayfun Serttas, Mikolaj Starowieyski You can access the projects developed during the workshop at the top of the right column. In Situ, Out of Place a film/video evening April 7, 19:00, 98weeks In Situ, Out of Place shows four journeys through different parts of Beirut—each revealing the inextricability of the city's history from its present stories, alienating scenarios in familiar environments. Selected by Daniel Berndt in conjunction with rePLACE BEIRUT. Red is the Colour of my Eye Nesrine Khodr, 2000, 23 min / Arabic with English subtitles Red is the Colour of my Eye tells the stories of two concierges working at two different buildings that face one another on Hamra street. By way of the passing traffic and views on the people coming in and out of their buildings, Abu-Adel and Abu-Youssef guide us into the time and space of the street, sharing their accounts of memory and territoriality. (Posthumous) Ghassan Salhab, 2007, 29 min / Arabic with English subtitles Shot in the southern suburbs of Beirut after the 2006 Israeli aggression on Lebanon, Ghassan Salhab's (Posthumous) witnesses the immense scale of destruction in a city deserted of life, trying to define the possibilities of a now, here and thereafter. My friend Imad and the Taxi Olga Nakkas & Hassan Zbib, 1985/2005, 19 min In 1985, Hassan Zbib and Olga Nakkas started filming with their Super 8 camera scenarios of a surreal figure walking through the streets of Beirut. The combination of his appearance in the war-effected city transforms it into a not less surreal backdrop. In 2005 Né à Beyrouth discovered the material and presented a version edited with a live soundtrack by Mazen Kerbaj and Sharbel Habr. Houna wa roubbama hounak (Here and Perhaps Elsewhere) Lamia Joreige, 2003, 54 min / Arabic with English subtitles Joreige's film Here and Perhaps Elsewhere takes us on a journey of remembrance through Beirut as she travels along the former Green Line. At locations that were once crossing-points along the Line, Joreige asked people if they knew of anyone having been kidnapped by the militias during the war. rePLACE Beirut roundtable discussion with Diana Allan, Vartan Avakian, Daniel Berndt, Tony Chakar, Elaine W. Ho, Ahmad Gharbieh, Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga and Jared McCormick Friday, April 8, 19:00, 98weeks Parallel to the workshop and screening program, the rePLACE project invited several people working in tangent realms to discuss their perspectives upon the concept of the "trace" in history, art and urbanism. As an analytical tool connected to forms of surveillance and mapping, or as a palimpsest leaving us with certain historical paths and socio-cultural linkages, where does the trace possess a productive capacity, or further potential as means of resistance? Diana Allan has a doctorate in social anthropology from Harvard University and is currently a junior fellow at the Society of Fellows. She is the founder of the Nakba Archive and the founding director of Lens on Lebanon, a participatory film and photographic initiative established during the 2006 Lebanon-Israel war. Vartan Avakian is an artist and is currently pursuing graduate studies in Architecture and Urban Culture at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya and the Centre de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona. Avakian lives and works in Beirut and is a founding member of the art collective Atfal Ahdath. Daniel Berndt studies art history and philosophy at the Freie Universität Berlin. He currently lives and works in Beirut. Tony Chakar is an architect and writer, lives and works in Beirut. He teaches at the Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts (ALBA), Balamand University. Elaine W. Ho (HK/USA) works between the realms of time-based art, urban practice and design. She is co-initiator of the rePLACE project, currently living and working in Beijing. Ahmad Gharbieh is Associate Creative Director at Mind the gap design and communication agency. He teaches at the Department of Architecture and Design at the American University of Beirut. He specializes in mapping design and theory. Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga is an architect and researcher, co-director of PROGRAM – initiative for art and architecture collaborations in Berlin and one of the initiators of the rePLACE project. Jared McCormick is a PhD Student in Social Anthropology currently living and doing research in Beirut. His interests are tourism, migration, and gender in the Levant. ![]() -- The workshops were organized by Daniel Berndt, Elaine W. Ho and Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga, with the kind support of the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures, the Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development, the Arab Image Foundation, PROGRAM and HomeShop. |
NEWS | x |
![]() rePLACE was invited to participate at the Tracing Mobility Open Platform at Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin, November 26-27. ![]() Elaine W. Ho of the rePLACE team is in Wuhan, China, from October-December in order to teach a psychogeography workshop of everyday routes through Wuhan at the Architecture Department, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. ![]() The rePLACE Beirut and rePLACE Berlin workshop publications have now been published! There are limited copies available, please contact mail[at]re-place[dot]info if you are interested in receiving one. ![]() |
x | لمحة عامة | |
إن عاداتنا اليومية سرعان ما تتحول إلى طقوس و شعائر راسخة، تخط لنفسها دروبا " معتادة في شوارع المدينة و حول أبنيتها. و على هذا النحو، تصبح هذه العادات معلما" ثابتا"، تنتظم من حوله فراغات البيئة العامرة بالبنيان و كتلها المبنية الصلبة على حد سواء، في روايات عن المشاركة في حياة المدينة اليومية و أمثلة عليها. وتزداد تجربتنا للحياة في المدينة تعقيدا" إذا ما أضيفت إليها ذكرياتنا و تقاليدنا الإجتماعية؛ فهي عندئذ تصبح مسرحا" تعلوه هذه التجربة بشكل يجمع متناقضات عدة. فهي قد تجمع بين تجارب علنية أشبه بعرض يتم تقديمه لجمهور عريض من جهة، و بين مآس شخصية حميمة من جهة أخرى. أو قد تجمع بين أحداث بالغة قي الأهمية و أخرى لا تعدو عن كونها من البديهيات.
إن عادات أهل المدينة و طقوسهم و أفعالهم، بالإضافة إلى التجارب التي يعيشونها داخل تلك المدينة، تجعل من الأخيرة نهرا" دائم الجريان، في حركة مستديمة و عشوائية لا تتوقف. "rePLACE BEIRUT" ستنطلق ضمن دعوة عامة إلى الجمهور تتمحور حول إعادة النظر في مدلولات المدينة من أجل خلق عملية فاعلة لتوثيق المكان و الزمان بشكل لا ينفصل عن تجاربنا و حياتنا اليومية. إننا نطلب أن تكون مشاركتم بشكل مساهمة فريدة تقود نحو فهم بديل للمدينة، فهم يبين نبض الحياة بالمعنيين الحقيقي و المجازي أو حيث <الطريق المعتاد > يسير إما بمحاذاة كل ما هو معروف من مفاهيم شخصية و ذكريات و خرافات تحيكها لنا ثقافاتنا، أو بعكس كل تلك المفاهيم تماما". إن باستطاعة أي شخص يعيش في بيروت أن يشارك عبر رسم خريطة لطريق معتاد من حياته أو حياتها اليومية. فيمكنكم أن تسجلوا ملاحظاتكم على مشاهدات معتادة من رحلتكم بالإضافة إلى أحداث مميزة فد تكون لها دلالاتها الخاصة. ببساطة، يمكنكم أن تقوموا باتباع التعليمات الخاصة بتحميل خريطتكم على موقعنا على شبكة الإنترنت بالإضافة إلى أي نص مكتوب أو صور أو تسجيل صوتي أو مرئي يوثق أية ملاحظات أو اكتشافات قد تقومون بها أثناء مسيرتكم في هذا الطريق. و يمكنكم أيضا" أن تشاركوا عبر إكمال مشروع شخص آخر. فببساطة، يمكنكم أن تقوموا بتنزيل ملف PDF يتضمن خريطة قد أعدها مشترك آخر أو مشتركة اخرى و أن تقوموا بسرد رؤيتكم الخاصة حول تجربة ذلك الشخص، فتكون مشاركتكم حينئذ ردا" أو استجابة لتجربة مشارك آخر أو مشاركة أخرى. و إذا كنتم مهتمين بتوسعة معلوماتكم حول تلك الطرقات، فبإمكانكم أن تتسجلوا للإلتحاق بسلسلة من ورش العمل و عرض للأفلام و نقاشات سنقوم باستضافتها. إن مشروع "rePLACE" يسعى و من خلال مراحله المختلفة، أن يقدم أسلوبا" لفهم المدينة لا يقتصر على أخذ المساحات المبنية فقط بعين الاعتبار، بل و يتضمن أيضا" الطريقة التي يتفاعل بها السكان مع مدينتهم خلال حياتهم اليومية. و يشتمل ذلك على الطرقات التي نسلكها واللحظات التي نعيشها أثناء سلوكنا لها، خصوصا" و أن هذه الطرقات قد تتقاطع أو تتطابق أو تسير بمحاذاة بعضها البعض أو حتى تتلامس. إن هذه العملية بالدرجة الأولى هي دعوة لإعادة النظر في التاريخ و عملية صنع الصورة من أجل وضعهما خارج الإطار التقليدي لفهمنا لهذه المصطلحات. عندئذ، تتعدى المحافظة على التراث حدود الاستكانة و الجمود في عملية كتابة التاريخ؛ فتتولد عندها عملية نشطة تهدف للإحتفاء بحيوية المدينة. |
-- "rePLACE" هو مشروع تم إطلاقه في عام ٢٠٠٧ على يد مجموعة "PROGRAM" and "TRANSIT LOUNGE". إن مشروعي "rePLACE BERLIN" و "rePLACE BEIRUT" يحظيان في عام ٢٠١١ بدعم "Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean for the Dialogue between Cultures"، <المؤسسة العربية للصورة> و "PROGRAM". أما مشروع "rePLACE BEIJING" فتقوم بدعمه " HomeShop". ![]() |
x | ورشة العمل |
سينظم القيمون على مشروع "rePLACE" ورشة عمل في "98weeks" بين ١ و ١٠ آذار يبحثون خلالها عن معلومات حول الرحلات التي يحددها المشاركون في "rePLACE BEIRUT" و شرح التفاصيل المتعلقة بها.
إن توثيقنا لهذه الرحلات سيكون نقطة الإنطلاق لإعادة اكتشاف المدينة من خلال الروايات و الرحلات التي يقدمها القاطنون في بيروت. تهدف ورشة العمل هذه إلى إيجاد سلسلة من الإستقصاءات التاريخية و البصرية حول علاقة أهل المدينة بمدينتهم و فهمهم لحيثيات ذلك المكان. و سيقوم المشاركون بهذه الورشة بهذه الرحلات نفسهم بالتزامن مع قيامهم بتسجيل ملاحظاتهم و توثيقها عبر الصور الفوتوغرافية أو الفيديو أو التسجيل الصوتي بمساعدة أدلائنا. و سوف يتم اختيار نقاطا" معينة من بعض الرحلات لتكون معالم يستدل بها من أجل القيام بأبحاث أخرى. ستترافق الورشة مع برنامج عام يتضمن نقاشات عدة و عرض لأفلام. الرجاء القيام بالتسجيل من أجل الإطلاع على تفاصيل أخرى. إذا كانت لديكم الرغبة بالمشاركة في الورشة، فالرجاء أن تتقدموا للتسجيل، ذاكرين الإسم و المهنة بالإضافة إلى نبذة قصيرة عن اهتماماتكم: mail[at]re-place[dot]info.إن المشاركة مجانية و لكنها تقتصر على ١٥ شخصا" فقط. -- إن ورش العمل هذه هي من تنظيم Daniel Berndt، Elaine W. Ho، Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga بدعم من "Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean for the Dialogue between Cultures"، <المؤسسة العربية للصورة>، "PROGRAM" و "HomeShop". |

WORKSHOP ورشة العمل
In Memoriam
Prohibition, Permission, Probation
Roadside attractions
Walking a straight line
Natural course
Space Invaders
The Blues Collection
Rien ne se perd...
المسارات المعروضة
Small Wooden Door, Large Golden Gate
10-120min, by car & on foot, 2-3 times a week
Roaming around
20min, on motorcycle, 3 times a week
From west to east
15-20min, by service, 1-2 times a week
25min, on foot, 4 times a week
20min, on foot, motorcycle or public transport, everyday
30-40min, on foot & by bus, everyday
time varies, by car, everyday
Daily Wander
10-15min, on foot, 5 times a week
45min, on foot, sometimes
30min, on foot, everyday
1 hour, on foot, 5 times a week
40-60min, by bus, 5 times a week
40 min, by car and on foot, 5 times a week
20-40min, by car, 5 times a week
60min, foot, No. 5 van, foot, 6 times a week
15-20 min, on foot, daily
12-15 min, on foot, 2-3 times a week
20 min, on foot, 2-3 times a week
30min, on foot, every two weeks
10min, by car, once a week
20min, by car, once a week
5-10min, by car, on weekdays
Le Balcon
40min, on foot, 3 times
10min, on foot, daily
20-40 min, by car, twice daily
35 min, on foot, daily
20 min, on foot, 3 times a week
5 min, on motorcycle, 5 times a week
5 min, on foot, everyday
The MA-Hamra Spectacular
1 hour, on foot, everyday
30 min, on the internet, 6 times a week
In Memoriam
Prohibition, Permission, Probation
Roadside attractions
Walking a straight line
Natural course
Space Invaders
The Blues Collection
Rien ne se perd...
المسارات المعروضة
Small Wooden Door, Large Golden Gate
10-120min, by car & on foot, 2-3 times a week
Roaming around
20min, on motorcycle, 3 times a week
From west to east
15-20min, by service, 1-2 times a week
25min, on foot, 4 times a week
20min, on foot, motorcycle or public transport, everyday
30-40min, on foot & by bus, everyday
time varies, by car, everyday
Daily Wander
10-15min, on foot, 5 times a week
45min, on foot, sometimes
30min, on foot, everyday
1 hour, on foot, 5 times a week
40-60min, by bus, 5 times a week
40 min, by car and on foot, 5 times a week
20-40min, by car, 5 times a week
60min, foot, No. 5 van, foot, 6 times a week
15-20 min, on foot, daily
12-15 min, on foot, 2-3 times a week
20 min, on foot, 2-3 times a week
30min, on foot, every two weeks
10min, by car, once a week
20min, by car, once a week
5-10min, by car, on weekdays
Le Balcon
40min, on foot, 3 times
10min, on foot, daily
20-40 min, by car, twice daily
35 min, on foot, daily
20 min, on foot, 3 times a week
5 min, on motorcycle, 5 times a week
5 min, on foot, everyday
The MA-Hamra Spectacular
1 hour, on foot, everyday
30 min, on the internet, 6 times a week